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Sick Guppies

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by MasterBlue, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. MasterBlue

    MasterBlue Thread Starter Active Member

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    I have noticed (and culled a few) sick fish these last few days, starting with the sudden death of one of my favorite fish. Affected fish have either a tail or dorsal fin that looks similar to what I would think fin rot would do, not both tho. Then they swim strangely, like they turn at there midsection and look to be having trouble. Then today one of the fish had a few red dots, appearing under her scales, like the blood pooling under her skin.

    I added salt and cranked the heat up to 86. It looks like only female guppies are affected, males seem well and cory aren't suffering any.

    As a precaution I also turned up the heat in the other tank, being as how shortly before this I migrated a few fish over to it.

    Only recent things that have happened are that I added the heater (went unheated and was running between 67-72 since it started to get cold) and I DID add the eyeless goldfish, who died one day before the others started to get sick. I'll assume he brought with him the plague.

    Anyone else got any suggestions? Anyone have an idea what I've gotten? I have live plants and shrimp, so as far as I know that rules out any medications I can use.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    COMPLETE water readings with a liquid test kit would be helpful for starters,
    otherwise it's pretty much just a guessing game.
  3. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Yeah, we really need to know the tank parameters and when the last time you performed a water change was.

    Salt/Heat doesn't sound like it will resolve your problem.
  4. MasterBlue

    MasterBlue Thread Starter Active Member

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    Can't give you readings. Can't afford the test kit. I could go to the pet store and have them test the water, but with my car in the shop that's out too.

    Since I did have that goldfish in there, it is pretty fair to assume it could be ammonia poisoning. Or something of that nature.
    last water change was a weeks ago, monday is when the next is due. I was thinking about starting early, and I think I will.

    I might cull some Trumpet snails while I'm at it, I've got tons down there.

    Sorry to post something so half done, but i was in a panic... =/

    And the heat at least looks to have helped some.
  5. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Goldfish and guppies shouldn't be in the same tank, so that could have been part of the problem.
  6. FishVixen

    FishVixen Active Member

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    you know cories can not tolerate salt they will die with salt in the water. do water changes for a couple of days in a row It can't hurt only help.
  7. MasterBlue

    MasterBlue Thread Starter Active Member

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    The cory were doing well in the other tank with the salt. Besides, I figured a day or two before the water change they could take it.

    And I know that the goldies and the guppy aren't compatable, I had to prepare him a tank, the tank was ready the day I found him dead =/ Go figure, eh?